This edition is archived.

Campus chic

Pittsburgh is no Milan, no Paris, no New York. We are sometimes classified as the blue-collar, steel-mining, artless crowd. But Carnegie Mellon’s campus...

Revolving around Danielewski

The author of House of Leaves discusses his latest work and passion for writing.

When dating meets dancing

Attack Theatre’s Someplace, not here offers a quirky portrayal of the dating scene.

Lessons in lithography

Dating back to the 18th century, lithography is a method of printmaking unique for its chemical properties.

Speaking volumes

This week, the School of Art Lecture Series featured three artists pushing the barriers of the artistic world.

Breaking into Hollywood

The myth of “breaking into Hollywood” revealed. Also: Semi-famous alums.

Artist profile: Evan Penny

Walking into a room full of artist Evan Penny’s sculptures is like walking into a room full of people.

PSO begins 2007–2008 season

The PSO begins an exciting season in Heinz Hall.

CD Dropbox

Mark Ronson does justice to Amy Winehouse, and Iron and Wine pulls an Elliott Smith.


After falling into the Gap, discovering Victoria’s Secret, and Americanizing your Apparel, the Walnut Grill may be exactly what you need.

Everything you need to know

How to handle a friend who won’t convert, or a lover who won’t let up on Boggle.


The guys making electronic music might seem cool, but tell that to their pocket protectors.

Dollar Movie

Waiter, there’s a rat in my soup! And, Hot Fuzz offers an un-undead Shaun of the Dead.

Did you know?

A poem called “Morewood Melody” tells of a love lost. Also: 5-cent beer.


Check out banned books on Monday, Andrew Bird on Tuesday, or "Hilarious Humpday" on Wednesday.

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