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Gates Center construction on schedule

One year after the final plans for Carnegie Mellon’s new computer science complex were unveiled, construction continues. The complex will eventually hold...

Hispanic Heritage Month comes to close

Today is the culmination of salsa lessons, siestas, Latin film festivals, and Spanish posters on campus, otherwise known as Hispanic Heritage Month at...

Diverse faculty sparse

Carnegie Mellon’s minority faculty members compose only 13 percent of the university’s total faculty population, according to this year’s fall staff survey...

Governor Rendell speaks on health care

As the total number of uninsured adults in Pennsylvania hits 767,000, with a total of 108,835 in Allegheny County alone, Governor Edward Rendell arrived...

Professor Dennis Abelson dies at 56

On September 1, Carnegie Mellon music professor Dennis Abelson passed away at UPMC Shadyside. He was 56 years old. The cause was cancer. For 16 years,...

Campus News in Brief

CMU, Pitt to shell out for busing Students’ “free” bus rides are about to get more expensive. Since the late 1990s, Carnegie Mellon and the University...

Lecture Preview

Title: University Lecture Series — “Why Were Victorian Automata Female?” The Basics: Norton Wise, professor of history at the University of California,...

Statistically Speaking

In addition to escalating death tolls of armed forces and civilians in Iraq, four million Iraqis have departed the country since the U.S. invasion in...

Crime and Incident

Fire Alarm October 6, 2007 at 1:05 a.m. A fire alarm sounded in Newell-Simon Hall. There was a smell of smoke coming from the first floor mechanical...

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