Best kept secrets of the opposite sex
GIRLS 1. We fart. It’s true. No man will witness this embarrassing phenomenon until marriage. We are human and subject to some unbecoming features. We...
The first date survival guide
Valentine’s Day is coming up — it’s the one time of year when it’s possible to get away with going up to a crush in calculus (or in my case, world history)...
Breaking up is hard enough
Valentine’s Day is not without a sense of irony. Although it’s the holiday for lovers, it also seems to coincide with an epidemic of breakups and lovers’...
The hedgehog and his schmeckle
With over 4000 women under his belt — and in his pants — Ron Jeremy is an intimidating force to be reckoned with. What do you ask a man whose entire career...
What do you think?
Carrie Bradshaw, antiheroine Sanyu: Sex and the City marginalizes women into two categories: those who have sex “like men” and those who don’t. In addition,...
Five conversations you need to have
Initiating important conversations can be incredibly awkward, but they are universal to healthy relationships. From the trivial to the news-making (and...
Sexy top fives
Top 5 date movies If you’re looking for a date movie, why don’t you try Date Movie? It’s pretty horrible, so you won’t feel bad when you stop paying...
'Faking it' — the things we do for love
We’ve all done it — faked admiration for a movie we haven’t seen, a book we haven’t read, an actor we’ve never even heard of. It’s not hard to envision:...
Let Barnes & Noble save your love life
When shopping for literature concerning sex and the dating scene, sometimes the books tend to pass it off as a gag. But if you’re going to be walking...
The last adult film house in Pittsburgh
Since the shift away from steel production, the city of Pittsburgh has been undergoing a makeover to improve its economic and cultural standing. Where...
Sex with an ex?
Hooking up with an ex: It’s undeniably one of the great eternal debates relating to life, love, and the human libido. We all know of the stigma associated...
Mindkin: Mind Over Chatter
“He said he liked opera when we met online, and then he falls asleep during every single performance we’ve ever been to!” “Her bio says she likes programming....
Tartan Q&A
We’ve all had those awkward romantic encounters. In the spirit of full disclosure, the Tartan staff would like to entertain you with some factoids concerning...
Music can tantalize the aural senses, arouse the physical body, and complement the fine art of copulation. So for people who can’t stand Marvin Gaye and...
Everything you need to know
Dear Janet, I think I might be too picky when it comes to dating. There aren’t a lot of gay guys on campus that I really like, for various reasons. Sometimes...
Did you know?
100 years ago February 13, 1907 Staffwriter Ryan Hamilton wrote a scandalous review of our nation’s phone-sex hotlines. For research, Hamilton hit up...