
Did you know?

100 years ago
Dec. 2, 1908

The first annual Architectural Smoker is a huge disaster. Tobacco is “liberally passed around” to those interested. Unfortunately, the students are then asked to leave the party and proceed to designated smoking areas where they can continue without putting any other Tech students in danger.

50 years ago
Dec. 10, 1958

The Secretarial Club plans a special meeting on Thursday. For this Christmas meeting, the club plans to decorate the school and collect toys for underprivileged children. Also, as it is a secretarial club, typing classes will resume as usual, with this week’s lesson focusing on semicolons.

25 years ago
Dec. 4, 1983

Carnegie Mellon is searching for people who plan to quit smoking as part of a year-long study funded by the psychology department. In this study, habits will be observed that either hinder or help smokers quit. This is similar to the recent Carnegie Mellon efforts on cutting down smoking, where smokers are studied to measure their boiling points after receiving multiple fines.

10 years ago
Nov. 24, 1998

Students are asked which classes they would like to take in the spring semester. A senior art major recommends a Spice Girls class, as he is interested in the concept of “girl power.” Unfortunately, the class isn’t offered, as this was before the massive intellectual exposition “Necessary and Sufficient Conditions to Be My Lover” was published.

5 years ago
Nov. 24, 2003

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon have determined that kids are still doing the same amount of homework as before. The average high school student completes about two hours of homework a night, and with the exception of a Cold War spike, time spent on homework hasn’t changed in over 50 years.

1 year ago
Dec. 3, 2007

A massive water main break occurs on campus, forming a pool of water that covers a sizable portion of the Cut. Campus officials contacted the Water Works using power from the Electric Company. Total cost of the incident was a fixed rate of $20,000, plus an extra $35,000 due to campus officials rolling a seven.