This edition is archived.
Mobots navigate race course for the 20th year despite rain
The 20th annual Mobot Races occurred this Friday despite the rain.
Boston Dynamics director gives robotics lecture at CMU
Boston Dynamics director Marc Raibert gave a robotics lecture at CMU.
Pugwash: Computers’ ability to make new knowledge is debated
Student Pugwash is a non-advocacy, educational organization that discusses the implications of science. This article is a summary of their discussion on whether computers can contribute new knowledge.
How Things Work: Using the Doppler effect to find missing MH370 flight
This week's How Things Work is about how scientists use the Doppler effect to track the missing MH370 flight.
SciTech Briefs
This week's SciTech Briefs are about the blood moon, Google Glass, an app for jet-lag, and nose reconstruction.