SciTech Briefs
New test detects Ebola quickly Scientists are currently developing a new test that has the potential to rapidly detect Ebola, the virus that causes a...
Industrial robot's personality dislayed in exhibition
Carnegie Mellon Ph.D. candidate Madeline Gannon combined her creativity with computational design knowledge for her project, Mimus. On display in a glass...
Stanford Professor gives talk on ecologies of Chinese computing
On Tuesday, Feb. 7, Dr. Thomas S. Mullaney, Associate Professor of Chinese History at Stanford University, visited Carnegie Mellon University to discuss...
How Things Work: The Concorde aircraft
The commercial airliner Concorde, commissioned in 1976, once traversed the Atlantic in a little less than three and a half hours. The result of British...
Uber hires NASA engineer to help develop flying vehicles
Uber has hired veteran NASA engineer Mark Moore as its Director of Engineering for Aviation to help realize its long-term program for developing flying...