This edition is archived.

Democrats must rethink trade positions or risk losing supporters

It has only been a few months since the Democratic Party lost the election, and it seems like they have already started to forget one of the primary causes...

Presidents’ use of executive orders abuses original intentions

The countless headlines last week have left a number of Americans questioning the lack of limits on authority that has been granted to presidents through...

Trump’s border policies threaten nation’s foundation

On Jan. 27, 2017, President Donald Trump signed Executive Order: Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States, which prohibits...

Fighting fascism with ‘niceness’ is idealistic, ineffective

Last week, I made a terrible mistake: I engaged in a political debate on Facebook. My opponent was a family friend with a familiar and increasingly frustrating...

‘Rogue’ government tweets demonstrate free speech

Two weeks ago, much of the country was up in arms when White House senior advisor Kellyanne Conway spoke about “alternative facts” being used to describe...

Bannon is prejudiced, unfit for Security Council

Last week, President Donald Trump added his controversial chief strategist, Steve Bannon, to the Principals Committee of the National Security Council,...

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