Dylan Mori

Class of


  • How Things Work: Cell phones

    To many people, a life without cell phones is unfathomable. Cell phones have become more than just a means of verbal communication; they have become personal phone books, calculators, clocks, calendars, and even a way to access the Internet. With all of these applications, it’s no wonder that the technology involved is unique in today’s modern world.

    SciTech | September 27, 2010
  • Art Benjamin displays power of magic and mental mathematics

    The Mellon College of Science hosted speaker Art Benjamin, who gave a talk last Monday titled “The Art of Mental Calculation” that explored the mechanics behind complex mental math techniques.

    SciTech | September 20, 2010
  • CMU joins NSF-funded initiative to research behavioral disorders

    Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science has recently entered a five-year agreement with the National Science Foundation (NSF) in order to develop tools and methods for identifying and diagnosing behavioral disorders, including autism.

    SciTech | August 30, 2010
  • Indira Nair retires, ending esteemed 32-year tenure

    When faculty members leave Carnegie Mellon, it is often instructive to reflect on what they’ve achieved throughout their tenure at the university. Indira Nair, who will be retiring from her position as vice provost for education after 32 years of service at Carnegie Mellon, is no exception.

    News | April 26, 2010
  • Professor predicts life in the future will resemble a game

    To many people, video games are an essential part of life. What attracts people to games varies: for some it’s the competition: For some it’s about problem solving, and for others it’s just recreational. However, according to one Carnegie Mellon professor, life may one day resemble the games that so many enjoy, as more companies and businesses are making products that take advantage of popular ele...

    SciTech | April 12, 2010